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We are all about ‘people’ and our own people are the stars of our brand.



Our Benestar family is the hallmark of our service and reputation. In every area of our operation, we have highly qualified, talented, committed and energetic team members. After all, if we’re not at our best, how can we support you and your employees to achieve your best.

Connect with our team via LinkedIN or contact us today.


Damien Woods
Chief Executive Officer
Damien Woods
Damien Woods
Chief Executive Officer





Peter Atkinson
Commercial Director
Image of Peter Atkinson
Peter Atkinson
Commercial Director

Building a sustainable and growing business is paramount in ensuring Benestar can help more employers provide the necessary health and wellbeing services to their people. Our Commercial Director Peter Atkinson is passionate about working with our teams to provide current and prospective customers with the relevant and viable services they need to enhance the health and wellbeing of their organisations.

Peter has extensive senior leadership experience in the financial services sector and has a strong record of sustainably improving sales and distribution performance of teams to build strong mutually beneficial partnerships with customers. He has a detailed understanding of customer value propositions and is able to develop and implement practical business plans and significant projects aligned with improving changes to organisational culture, managing upgrades to technology and business processes that are about delivering increased customer value. Apart from his successful business career, Peter has a strong community focus: he served in the Army Reserve and has spent many years in Surf Lifesaving, including Board membership and Chair accountabilities at Club, State and National levels.

Peter’s ‘Best you’ tip: 

Continually look to understand and pursue your personal purpose. If you are doing something that you really care about, your work will feel effortless and you will feel fulfilled.



Caroline Lian
Chief Financial Officer
Caroline Lian
Chief Financial Officer

In a business so focused on helping people to shine, it’s important someone is focused on the numbers too. With more than 15 years’ experience in accounting and finance, our Chief Financial Officer Caroline Lian does far more than count the beans.

Caroline is a key business advisor responsible for the effective control and management of our financial resources. She draws on her experience to ensure our business processes and commercial management are in check and on track.  

Caroline’s ‘Best you’ Tip: 

‘Even when work is busy, find something funny in your day to make you smile and laugh. It helps you to relax and it will boost your productivity.’ 



Beate O’Neil
Head of Product and Partnerships
Beate ONeil
Beate O’Neil
Head of Product and Partnerships

Beate is a Norwegian physiotherapist with more than 15 years’ experience in the Health and Wellbeing sector. She spent many years in the UK helping companies develop tailored health and wellbeing programs. 

She moved to Australia in 2017 and is responsible for our products and partnerships ensuring we are supporting organisations and individuals to be the best they can be. 

Beate’s ‘Best you’ tip: 

‘Eat well, sleep well, stay active and be present when spending time with colleagues, family and friends.'



Glenn Murray
Customer Experience Director
Glenn Murray
Glenn Murray
Customer Experience Director

Our Customer Experience Director Glenn Murray is a skilled and experienced leader with over 20 years’ experience in the EAP field. He is a valued strategic advisor to organisations across every industry sector.

Glenn has worked in Occupational Health, HR and Learning and Development, and has been a long-term contributor to the peak professional body, EAPAA. He is an experienced EAP analyst and assists organisations to minimise risk and deliver measurable outcomes.

Glenn’s ‘Best you’ tip: 

'Find your purpose in life through connection with your family, friends, community and the natural world and show compassion and gratitude every day'.



Deborah Sims
Customer Experience Director
Deborah Simms
Deborah Sims
Customer Experience Director

Strong, happy and healthy people equate to a productive, engaged workforce. To achieve this, our Customer Experience Director Deborah Sims understands how valuable it is to have a strategic partner in health and wellbeing on your side. 

Deborah has over 20 years’ experience in the employee assistance and wellbeing field with considerable account management and business development expertise. She places a strong emphasis on building quality, long-term relationships that help minimise risks to both individuals and organisations. 

Deborah’s ‘Best you’ tip: 

‘Get those endorphins flowing! If my experience has taught me anything, you cannot underestimate your body’s own way of making you feel good.’



Julie Cressey
General Manager New Zealand
Julie Cressey
Julie Cressey
General Manager New Zealand

Our New Zealand General Manager Julie has spent the last 25 years within the Human Resources industry supporting individuals and organisations to achieve their personal development and people goals. She has held a variety of roles within operational management, organisational development, Psychometric Assessment and Career Transition Consulting Services. She is focused on partnering with organisations to ensure we provide the most beneficial response to their needs.

Julie’s ‘Best you’ tip: 

It’s the small things that count. I think we all put too much pressure on ourselves to start big when it comes to personal wellbeing. My tip is to just start, and to bear in mind that "big things often have small beginnings".


Our Offerings

At Benestar, we are all about helping people when and where they need us with all aspects of their life - physical, mental, social and financial. After all, strong, happy and healthy people equate to a productive, engaged workforce.